Content organization
Content organization
- Each scenario begins with an introductory section that summarizes the contents and presents the general objectives.
- Each scenario is divided into several modules, each of which is comprised of two or more activities.
- Each module begins with an explanation of the sequence of activities.
- An educational progression is suggested from one module to another and, within a module, from each activity to the next. However, a module or an activity can be used independently, with a few minor adaptations.
- A sidebar provides the module's general objectives, classroom organization and material requirements.
The teacher's worksheets are :
- The ACTIVITY worksheet describes the progress of an activity.
- The VISUAL AID worksheet provides visual support to explanations during the activity.
- The CONCEPTS worksheet provides essential information on the theme of the activity and is an extension toward the Trees Inside Out virtual exhibit.
- The ANSWER KEY worksheet provides the correct answers for students' worksheets.
The students' worksheets are:
- The EXPERIMENT worksheet is the written support for the students.
- THE TOOL worksheet is a common worksheet to both the teacher and the students and is useful to complete the activity (e.g. an identification key).
The use of the masculine in the second person singular is not discriminatory.